Hello there, I’m Gregor. I graduated from Aberdeen University in 2006 and I moved to Wrocław in 2008.
Since I joined the Queens School of English in 2009, most of my classes have been on business English. Recently
I have always liked to bring a bit of humour to the lessons, and I also try to
Football is my religion and I follow my team Scottish team (Aberdeen) and the local team Śląsk Wrocław.
My other love is for writing, particularly about music. I am currently laying the foundations for an exciting new website called wroclawuncut.com, which I have high hopes for. The website will serve as Wrocław’s ultimate alternative guide, with articles on music, film, city news, food & drink as well as football.
I also contribute to Wrocław’s English newspaper ‘The Wrocław International’ as sub-editor, so I’m quite a busy man really!
Wrocław has a fantastic location in the heart of Europe. When I do have some time off, I really enjoy travelling to some of the great cities in this area of the World