At Queen’s School of English, we offer a wide range of semestral group courses 1-1 classes and intensive individual courses.What makes our school different to any other in Wroclaw is that all group courses are taught by Native Speakers from the UK and USA.
That is a 100% guarantee that your teacher will be a true Native Speaker!
Group semestral courses: Levels A2-C1
City Slicker (B1-C1) These courses focus of business English skills to help you effectively use English in your professional life. You will also learn various aspects of business culture, etiquette and useful tips and tricks to deal with small talk, creating a good first impression, dealing with problems and achieving your goals.
The course are held once a week for 3 academic hours.
Mon-Thur 17.00 -19.20
GBE – General & Business English B2 / C1 A blended learning course combining key aspects of general English with Business English skills.
Tue/Thur 16.45 - 18.15
GEM – General English Morning (A2 / B1) General English to help you improve your overall practical and theoretical skills in English. You will gain a foundation in grammar and gain confidence in your spoken English.
Tue/Thur 10.00-11.30
Mon/Wed 10.00-11.30
FCE – First Certificate in English (B2) – Perhaps the most frequently taken examination in Poland, the FCE preparation course will test your listening, reading, writing, speaking and grammar skills with challenging test papers., kurs przygotowujący do FCE sprawdzi Twoje umiejętności słuchania, czytania, pisania, mówienia i gramatyki za pomocą trudnych testów.
Saturday - 9.00 - 12.00
Conversation – (B2 / C1) Improve your ability to join in on any topic of conversation, speak on any subject, learn loads of new vocabulary, be challenged and perfect your accent and fluency.
Wed: 17.00-19.00
Q – courses -( A2/B1/B2) are designed for 11,12,13 & 14-year oldsrespectively. Age is the deciding factor regarding which course be right for your child.
These courses are currently held online only:
Te kursy są obecnie prowadzone tylko online:
Q 11 Friday 15.00 - 17.00
Q 12 Friday 15.00 - 17.00
Q 13 Friday 15.00 - 17.00
Q 14 Friday 15.00 - 17.00
IELTS (B2 / C1) International English Language Testing System the most popular and best recognized English examination in the world. This course is suitable for both IELTS academic and IELTS general students.
Mon: 17.00 - 19.00
1-1 lessons 1-1 lessons at Queen’s allow for both flexibility and to focus on the areas of English that YOU need to improve on. Buy a package of lessons and get started. The more the buy, the bigger the discount.
Intensive individual courses
Sometimes in life, you are pressed to make quick progress in English in preparation for a big meeting, business trip, promotion or work with a new boss. If you have to improve your English skills in a hurry, we have several solutions for you.
Click here for more information